Welcome to Epsom Vineyard Youth
EV youth is a group for young people in school years 7 to 13.
We love hanging out and growing in faith alongside one another and the rest of our church family.
We meet together on a Sunday morning weeks 1 & 3 of the month during the service and on Sunday evenings for socials. We hold most of our youth socials at our new church centre: Lansdowne Rd, Ewell, Epsom KT19 9QJ
If you would like to find out more about how to get involved, join us on a Sunday morning, 10.15 am at Blenheim High School, email youth@epsomvineyard.org or scroll down to find out about our upcoming Sunday Evening events.
Sonya & Brinny
We have a growing team of volunteer leaders who have all been recruited through our safer recruitment process including DBS checks, references and safeguarding training and are overseen by our Youth Pastors: Sonya & Brinny.
For more information email us at: youth@epsomvineyard.org
We ran our first Youth Alpha in Autumn 2024 and had the most amazing time, sharing food and conversation and deepening friendships. We are running the BRAND NEW Alpha Youth course starting Wednesday 15th January 2025. To find out more visit alpha.org.uk/youth or watch the promo video above.
Find out about and sign up for our upcoming socials and Sunday evening events by clicking on the images below.
The last 3 summers we have travelled to Stafford to spend a fun-filled few days at the Vineyard Youth Festival Dreaming The Impossible!
Watch our video from 2023 which explains more about DTI or our highlights reels from 2024 below and sign up your young person to join us in 2025!
To find out more email youth@epsomvineyard.org or visit https://dreamingtheimpossible.org/
Keeping our young people safe is of paramount importance to us and all our volunteers require references and are DBS checked.
We register each young person as they enter our youth sessions, and they are free to sign themselves out at any point during the session. Please be aware that we can only be responsible for each young person whilst they are signed in, at whichever location the session is held.
If your young person has additional needs that require more support, please do chat with us and we will do whatever we can to accommodate those needs wherever possible.